Discover Your Dosha
Below is a short list of common traits and qualities which are attributed to the three Doshas; Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
Check one box from each observation then determine the Dosha you have chosen most.
You may have two that are a close match, so choose the primary and then the secondary Dosha.
Observations Vata Kapha
Build ____ Thin; light boned ____ Medium, athletic ____ Powerful, Broad build
Weight ____ Hard to gain, easy to lose ____ Easy to gain and lose ____ Easy to gain, hard to lose
Face Shape ____ Thin, long, egg shaped ____ Triangular, pointed chin ____ Round or square
Skin ____ Cold, dry, thin ____ Smooth, warm, rosy ____ Thick, oily, cool, pale
Hair ____ Dry, thin, course, frizzy ____ Straight, soft, balding ____ Thick, wavy, oily, shiny
Appetite ____ Irregular, small but frequent meals ____ Strong, needs to eat when hungry ____ Slow, steady, stable
Digestion ____ Irregular metabolism, forms gas ____ Fast metabolism, burning sensations ____ Prolonged, slow metabolism
Elimination ____ Constipation, irregular, small quantity ____ Loose, regular, large quantity ____ Slow, regular, moderate quantity
Physical activity ____ Very active ____ Moderate ____ Sedentary
Sleep ____ Sleeplessness, easily woken ____ Little but sound ____ Deep and prolonged
Emotional ____ Fearful, nervous ____ Easy to anger, irritable ____ Attachment, greedy, easily depressed
Temperament ____ Flexible, accommodating ____ Jealous, determined, compassionate ____ Calm, stable, dependable, nurturing
Total ____ ____ ____
Primary Dosha: _______________________ Secondary Dosha: ______________________
This exercise is does not replace the diagnoses of a trained Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner.